My Story


I am Jeff Jones (Old Guy). Some may think I am not that old, 60. I feel it some days!

What am I doing on the internet?

I am working on my blog to impart my wisdom onto the internet. I want to give ideas and reviews on products and services that I use on a day-by-day basis.

Where did I get my wisdom?

I was born in 1692 in a small town in Oklahoma. I was raised around farmers. It was a simple file, but when I was five my parents divorced. Life changed very fast. My mother remarried and we moved to Houston, Texas. Culture shock! Small town to a mega city. I had to grow up very fast. But I was sent back in the summers to Oklahoma to work on our family friend’s farms. I have experience in small towns and the big city.

I was taught a lot about working on and maintaining my own car, house, and other items. My stepfather was the biggest influence on me. He was raised on a farm in Oklahoma. He had to learn to work on everything. So, he taught me too.

What are you going to see here?

                I am here to give my thoughts on Keto, home, lawn, and other of my interest.

Enjoy your time here.

Thank you,
